Professor Andrew Gibson, Lectures in Australia, June 2016

Professor Andrew Gibson gave a plenary lecture commemorating the Easter Rising of 1916 on Joyce and the Rising at the Global Irish Studies Centre at the University of New South Wales.

He also gave a lecture on `Rancière and Orwell: Critique of the Intellectuals and the Cause of the Demos’ to the English Department, UNSW.

On 22 June, Andrew gave the keynote lecture at the postgraduate conference in the English department, University of Adelaide. The title of the lecture was `In Defence of the Event (ii): Badiou, Kant, Woolf’

On 27 June, Andrew gave a lecture on `Modernity and the Political Fix: Rancière, During’ to the English department, University of Melbourne.

On 30 June, he also gave a developed version of the Beckett lecture below at the J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice at the University of Adelaide