Jemima, Grandma and The Great Lost Zone
It is the year 2791. Jemima is on the `Andromeda’, deep in outer space. The `Andromeda’ is a ship in Galaxy Patrol. Jemima’s parents are its commanders. Wherever they go, Jemima goes too. So does Grandma...
Until the `Andromeda’ is ordered to investigate a mystery: part of the universe has simply vanished. Jemima has a spaceship of her own. Together with Grandma and Birmingham ― an amiably incompetent little computer on wheels ― she finds herself in the Great Lost Zone. She is moved, delighted and amused by what she finds there. But the Empires that control the known universe are by no means so pleased. They are determined to retake the Zone, at all costs....
“Entertaining and very funny ― especially when Grandma’s around ― but also subtle, inventive and not without a more serious and even melancholy side”
“The wit and intelligence of the opening lines are sustained throughout this inventive science fiction. The cast include all manner of exotic and wonderful creatures. And it’s a rich and complex piece of storytelling.”
“I am getting a real taste for Andrew Gibson’s witty and imaginative stories, particularly when illustrated by Chris Riddell, who here draws like a domesticated Mervyn Peake!”
Jemima, Grandma and The Great Lost Zone is available online and can be found here: